A&M Youth
Songs for Sunday, September 1
Praise Team - Thanks for your help this week.
Singing this week will be: Jolie Burke, Macie Hanna, Amy Walker, Adrie Gruis, James Chupp, Curtis Ross, Dale Christian
Let's meet at 9:00 in the auditorium to go over songs and set microphone levels.
This week's worship order:
(Praise team on stage)
(Lights down)
(Praise team off stage)
Communion - Leyton Parker
(Lights up)
Offering and Children's Offering
Dismiss for Krazy Praisy
Ask Away - Matthew 16:13-20 - Dean Barham
Family Moment - Hayden Liebl
Days of Elijah
A few notes:
Worthy is the Lamb is the one which begins, "Thank You for the cross Lord, Thank You for the price You paid..."
Listen to Revive Us Again...it's a little different than the traditional We Praise Thee O God. In the video below...
"I Raise a Hallelujah" starts at 18:53
"Revive Us Again" starts at 22:38
Everything below this line is old stuff.
A few notes:
Worthy is the Lamb is the one which begins, "Thank You for the cross Lord, Thank You for the price You paid..."
We're going to do a key change at the end of I Will Call Upon the Lord. Here is how it will work:
After verse 1 and verse 2, we usually end with a final "I will call upon the Lord."
We will sing that as usual, but then I will raise it a step or two, and we'll go straight into verse 1 again.
We'll sing the usual ending "I will call upon the Lord" (ladies echo)
Then raise a step or two
"I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies"
Then we'll go into the chorus again - and then I'll lead us through a section where everyone will echo what I sing (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, He lives) - then back into the chorus and then we're done.
I recognize that reading about it does not really let you hear it. But know that it's not hard. However, I think it will be something a little different - and I hope that will be encouraging to everyone.
On Hymn of Heaven, we will sing it as normal, but at the end, we will go back into the chorus of Living Hope. Here is how it works:
There will be a day, when all will bow before Him
There will be a day, when death will be no more
Standing face to face, with He who died and rose again
Holy, holy is the Lord
(staying on the same note as "Lord" we'll move into the chorus of Living Hope)
Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me...
Listen to Ancient of Days below.
Music for "What a Beautiful Name - Agnus Dei" (pdf) - look at slide 18 and 19 for the transition between What a Beautiful Name and Agnus Dei
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) is below)
This recording of Hymn of Heaven starts with ladies only, but I think we will start with everyone.
Here is the audio for Who You Say I Am, if you need it.
Here is the training tracks for Who You Say I Am, if you want it. I think it's Soprano/Tenor on one side of the audio track and Alto/Bass on the other.
The recording of God So Loved below is pretty electronic and tame, but it will let you hear the notes.
The recording of His Name is Wonderful below will test your "I try not to judge, but..." because it's pretty slow and...yeah. But for those who do not know it, maybe it will help you to hear it.
If anyone needs any additional music, let me know. I am happy to post it here or send it to you.
Link to Awesome Power music and notes on YouTube
We ain't gonna sing it like they do, but it will at least give you an idea of the notes. We won't hold the first two notes out with the fermatas. We will keep the tempo consistent - not as fast as their second verse. And we'll probably only sing it through once? maybe?
Listen to Jesus We Love You below...it begins at 38:00 on this video. We will go through the build ("Our affection, our devotion, poured at on the feet of Jesus") without the background vocals. We'll just do the parts.
Words to Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Verse 1:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
look full in His wonderful face
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace
Turn your eyes to the hillside
where justice and mercy embrace
there the Son of God gave His life for us
And our measureless debt was erased
Turn your eyes to the morning
And see Christ the Lion awake
What a glorious dawn, fear of death is gone
For we carry His life in our veins
Turn your eyes to the heavens
Our King will return for His own
Every knee will bow, every tongue will shout
All glory to Jesus alone