A&M Youth
The Info and pictures on this page are all from last Sunday night, October 1, at Intersection (where life and faith intersect.) We had a great group of students who came, and the students who spoke did a great job.
The students who speak each week at Intersection are involved in one of the following:
My Pics (10 pictures from your phone that tell about you or your family or your friends),
The Bucket (10 things, show and tell style),
Bible verses (pick a verse and talk about it for 2-3 minutes),
My Story (devotional thought or extended Bible verse talk or talk about what you have learned about God lately.)
Below are pics of some of the students who helped.
We also sang 6-7 songs, all chosen by students.





Jack H


Below are some screenshots of some of the verses our students chose and talked about.

On Sunday nights, a new group for parents just started. Every time we have Intersection in October and November (and maybe December), parents are invited to come to a small group for parents. It's called Parenting in a Tech World and it's all about helping you navigate the crazy tech-focused / cell-phone using / social-media obsessed world we live in.
This Week the Parent Group will meet 6:30 until 7:30 because of the Youth Area-Wide Worship night at our building.

A Kids' Small Group meets on Sunday nights during Intersection as well for students 6th grade and under.
Don't miss these.
Info can be found by clicking on MS Retreat or HS Retreat at the top of this page (on a computer) or on the three lines on the bottom-right side of the mountain at the top of this page (if you're on a phone)

Here are some pics from Intersection on 9/10





