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Hey Everyone - Huge huge thanks to each of you for being Life Group leaders this semester.  Your weekly sacrifice of time and energy has been a huge blessing in the lives of our students.  Whether they show it or not, and whether they realize it or not, having loving people in their lives who care about them and show up for them each week is something they will remember for a long time. 

This final Life Group night should be a great night to get to spend time together in God's Word again.  Huge thanks to each of you for helping our students do that do that. 


We will start together as one big group like we always do.  But at the end, we will come back together again as one big group before everyone goes home. 



  - The lesson is below.  Please take some time to be prepared to lead your group.

  - We plan to be outside, but will move inside if it be rainy.

  - Everyone needs to wear a mask if we go inside.

As you look at the lesson below, know that we will have handouts for all students...and handouts for you as well.  The students' pages will not have the answers in italics below, but yours will. 


Life Groups – Week 7 – May 2, 2021

The Schedule:

April 11 - Life Groups - Decisions: God's Will

April 18 - Life Groups  - Decisions: Time

April 25 - Life Groups  - Decisions: Money

May 2 - Life Groups - Decisions: Unique

Leader Intro in blue.  Lesson is below

For MAY 2, 2021:




God provides the ability to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks for his glory through spiritual gifts given to his people by the Holy Spirit working within us.


Often we don’t realize the gifts we have or that God has a unique and valuable role for us in his kingdom work.


By faith learn to exercise the spiritual gifts he has given us.


Scripture tells us that “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) Jesus tells us in John 15 that whoever abides in him will bear much fruit, but apart from him we can do nothing. God’s work requires God’s strength and ability, and he provides it through giving different gifts to the members of his body, the church, to accomplish it. There are several passages in the Bible on spiritual gifts. The key themes are: ultimately spiritual gifts are provided to equip us to glorify God, every believer has at least one gift, all spiritual gifts are important, and they are meant to work together in the body of Christ.



  • KNOW: The purpose of spiritual gifts is to further God’s kingdom work. All gifts are valuable and necessary for God’s work. A beginning understanding of what our personal gifts might be.

  • EXPERIENCE: A desire to use our gifts for the good of the body of Christ.

  • DO: To begin putting our gifts into practice without comparing ourselves to others.



Part of the goal for this semester is that you do not just have small groups, but groups who get to know each other...and get to laugh together...and share life together.  Here again are two options you can use if you want:



Go round each person in the group and ask them to share 1 good thing and 1 challenging thing that’s happened to them in the last 7 days.

Again, really simple but this has to be one of my all time favorites because it’s a great way to find out what’s happening in the lives of your group members since you last met.

As people open up about their week, openness and trust is built within the group. I use this almost every week in our youth group Bible study. People applaud at the good things that have happened (celebrating successes together) and you’ll get a good sense of how you can prayer for them whether in your own time or within the small group.


If you prefer, you can use this one:


Going round each person in turn ask them “How, Wow, Pow, Chow?”:


How: How are you doing right now?


Wow: Share a wow moment from last week


Pow: Share a challenging thing that happened last week.


Chow: What was the best thing you ate last week?

The goal is to have fun, laugh, find out more about your group, and help your group relax around each other. 


(everything below is on the student handout, except the parts in italics)



You’re sitting at home and you are hungry and you want to eat some pizza. What parts of your body do you need to make that happen?
Have them walk through from thinking about it (mind) to picking up their phone (hand, voice, etc.) to walking to get the pizza (legs) to eating (eyes, nose, mouth, teeth) to digesting (stomach), and maybe you should stop there.

  • What part of the body is most important in the pizza job?

  • What if the hand or another part decided not to do its job?


1. Imagine a task that is huge, never been done before, and needs to be done perfectly. God gives such a task to the people of Israel when he gives them instructions to build a place for worship him called the tabernacle. How detailed and complex were his instructions? Have someone read Exodus 25:8–9 and 26:1–8.
They can read it rather quickly, but have the group imagine that they are in a desert, and explain this is just part of the instruction they are getting from the Lord—he goes on to give five more chapters of instructions. The purpose is to give them a feel for the task.



2. If you were receiving these instructions and knew they had to be accomplished perfectly down to the tiniest detail, how would you feel?
Discuss as a group.

3. Read Exodus 31:1–11. How does God ensure that the work can be accomplished?
He specifically chooses one person to lead the effort and equips him with wisdom, knowledge, and artistic ability and skill to do all the different kind of crafting required. He provides an assistant for him, and he equips everyone working on the tabernacle with the ability they need to accomplish the work. He provides all the ability that is needed!



4. God has given us as followers of Jesus a seemingly impossible task as well. What is the work he is calling us as believers to do and how does he provide the means to accomplish the task?
Make disciples of all nations and take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. (See Matthew 28:18–20. Acts 1:18). Just like God gave gifts to the people of Israel through the Holy Spirit to accomplish his work in the building of the place to worship him, he gives his followers spiritual gifts to accomplish his work today.  



5. Some of the key passages in the New Testament on spiritual gifts include Romans 12:3–8, 1 Peter 4:10–11, 1 Corinthians 12:1–31, Ephesians 4:4–8, 11–16. Break the group up into smaller groups to explore different passages and have them each share with the group what they find. Have someone write down each group’s answers and summarize, answering these two questions:  

a) What do you learn about spiritual gifts?
b) What are some of the spiritual gifts God gives?

Some answers for what you learn might include:

  • There are different kinds of gifts

  • Not every person has the same gift

  • Every follower of Jesus has at least one spiritual gift

  • We should use the gifts we have been given

  • Our gifts are to be used to serve others

  • Gifts are for the common good

  • The purpose is for God to be praised

  • Spiritual gifts equip his people for works of service

  • The body of Christ (the church) will be built up as people use their gifts

  • God provides the strength

  • All gifts are important

Some of the spiritual gifts include:

  • Prophecy (the ability to declare God’s truth boldly no matter the consequences and call people to get right with God)

  • Service (ability to identify and meet the practical needs of others)

  • Teaching (the ability to study and explain God’s word to others)

  • Exhortation (encouraging and challenging with words)

  • Contribution (giving)

  • Leadership

  • Mercy (ability to comfort those in distress, and provide practical relief for people’s hurts and suffering)

  • Wisdom (ability to apply Scripture to specific situations in order to make right choices and help others move in the right direction)

  • Knowledge (ability to seek out and gather facts)

  • Faith

  • Healing (ability to be used by God for a person’s physical or emotional need)

  • Speaking other languages, interpreting other languages


6. Do you know what your spiritual gifts might be? Are there any in the above passages that seem to describe you? (It’s okay if you don’t know. People discern their spiritual gifts through service over time, but share if there are any areas that you feel passionate about or think you might enjoy.)
Allow the group to discuss. Affirm that if they don’t know yet, that’s okay. The following questions might help them discover their gifts.

7. These questions might help you discover more about your gifts:

  • “When you are involved with activities at your church or with Cru, what needs do you notice first?”  

  • “Which activities am I involved in that the Lord seem to bless?”  

  • “What have other mature Christians who know me well (like parents, disciplers, youth leaders) noticed about me?” Share your answers with the group.

8. What are some things you are going to do in the next week to seek to discover or use your spiritual gifts?
Some possible answers might be: Pray for God to show me how he’s gifted me. Ask one of my Cru or youth group leaders what gifts they might have observed in me. Talk to my Cru leader about starting to lead a Thrive Study (the gift of teaching). Organize an outreach at my school (leadership, evangelism). Help with setup and cleanup at an event or weekly meeting or church (service). Give financially to the church (giving).

Below are the groups. 


Hanna Callie

Bomnskie Braden

Warden Chad

Casey Jacob

Duncan Isabel

Robinson Norah

Ramsey Derek

Lingo Zach

Dacus Camden

Perry Emma

Bircher Clara

Sanchez Jake

Leftwich Hogan

LaStrapes Ethan

Shields Andrew


McCulley Ashlyn

Harris Kerrigan

Marsh Joshua

Coyle Caroline

Pickett Sjon

Pote Jake

Pickett Andrew

Jackson Allen

Shields Andrew

Allen Tanner

Garner Emma

Livingston Calloway

Leftwich Gates

Perry Addison

Brelsford Kyle

Lawhorn Brady


Theis Avery

Soltis Grayson

Burrow Kaley

Burns Stephen

Marchbanks Drew

Duncan James

Hanna Jack

Bomnskie Kambrie

Dacus Jadyn

Leftwich Beck

Allen Tate

Livingston Patricia

Hindman Helen

Brock Grayson

Fergusson Elan


Casey Cullen

Douget Avery

Keyser Katherine

Pote Charlie

Robinson Eli

Walker Evelyn

Coyle Parker

Jackson Emily

Lingo Ty

Warden Camille

Warden Allison

Wilson Emma

Hindman Isaac

Shields Ainsley

Theis Sterling

Young Lucas

Garner Brody

Lawhorn Alex

Zahn Sofia

Krammer Avery

Wylie Audrey

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