A&M Youth
Late sign-ups are still available. Follow the link below to sign-up. Talk to Monty or Heather if you have questions...and also tell us you have signed up so we can make sure to include you in all of the updates about camp.
High School Mission Trip
We are so excited about the opportunity to return to Southern
Christian Children's Home this summer. Our HS group spent time
serving at SCCH for the past two summers, and this year we will
return to SCCH to spend time with the children who live there and
help with some service projects.
Southern Christian Children's Home is a children’s home that is
dedicated to taking in students who need a place to live because
their parents are unable to take care of them. Reaching out to some
of the youngest in our society, the staff at SCCH shares God’s love
with children who may have never known His love before.
To help you know some of the details about the trip, we have created this webpage with lots of info. There is a link at the bottom that will allow you to sign-up for the trip if you choose to go. We invite all current high schoolers to join us for this great opportunity of reaching out, sharing God’s love, and serving Him.
Here are the details you need to know:
When: June 11-15, 2024
Who: Students who are currently in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
Where: Southern Christian Children's Home, Morrilton, Arkansas
Sign-Up Deadline: April 21 or May 12
What we'll be doing: Lots of things. Specifically, we will be spending time with the children at the children's home, working on projects around the the children's home, playing games with the children, teaching lessons, and doing everything we can to shine God’s light to the residents and staff.
Cost: $125 (sign-up by April 21) or $175 (sign-up by May 12) All sign-ups before May 12 are at the $125 cost. If spots are available after May 12, the cost is $200. We really try to keep costs as low as possible for youth trips. And as always, our church helps out significantly on youth trips.
A note about our church's Mission Action Group and financial help: You can earn money from our church's Mission Action Group by completing some service hours. 2 times of volunteering at our church (bed build, VBS, etc) can earn up to half the price of the mission trip. If you are interested in this, ask Monty. He will get the form to you and you can decide if you would like to do this or not.
Here are some additional questions you may have:
Are parents needed for this trip? Well, yes. Actually we really need some parents to join us for this trip. Yeah, it's a need...as in, we can't do this trip without some parents. You would help with our projects, with meals, and all things our group is doing. If you would be willing to join us, talk to Monty or Heather or look for the parent sign-up page on the amyouth.net homepage or on the Parent Update page after Easter.
Where is Morrilton, Arkansas?: North and East of here. If you need more specific info about this, use your computer to find a map.
Isn’t it a long way to walk?: Yes, that’s why we’ll be taking the bus.
Is this just a service trip?: No. While we will be serving the children and staff at SCCH while we are in Morrilton, the goal of this trip is to be Christ-focused in everything we do. There will be times of serving, but there will also be times of worship, opportunities for Bible study and opportunities to have quiet time with the Lord.
Where will we sleep at night?: We will be staying in either a guest cottage or their gym and classrooms. You’ll need a sleeping pad or an air mattress and a sleeping bag.
What will we eat?: One of the goals of a trip like this is that we help serve the staff and children at SCCH. We do not want them to have to do anything extra or be faced with any new things to do because we are there. So...we will cook meals for them and for us. We'll have access to a great kitchen, and everyone will have a chance to pitch-in and help cook. If you're really bad at cooking, then we'll give you a job like putting ice in cups or something else so we can all serve and we can all still have good food. :)
How can I learn more about Southern Christian Children’s Home?: Go to their website: www.schome.org or look them up on facebook
What else do I need to know before I sign-up?: This is a trip focused on serving others. Before you sign-up for this trip, understand that you will need to have the heart of a servant for the entire trip. If you are always thinking about yourself or if you get grumpy when you don’t get your way, this is probably not the best trip for you. However, if you are willing to make sacrifices in order to help others, then we think you will love this trip. It will not be an easy trip. We’ll be working outside in the heat of June in Arkansas… we’ll be spending long hours with the children at SCCH... you may not get as much food or snacks as you usually do… and we’ll be getting up early/ staying up late and doing everything we can to help the children and staff for the entire trip. It’s going to be amazing, but please know that you need to have a heart for serving others if you want to be a part of this trip.
What is the cost for this trip?: $125 or $175, depending on when you sign-up. (The details about the deadlines are above.) Your registration cost covers all of your food, transportation, activities, supplies needed for work projects supplies needed for lessons/activities with children, etc. You will also need money for 2-3 fast-food meals while traveling. When you sign-up you can pay the full amount or just the deposit. The deposit is $50. The deposit is due at or shortly after sign-up. The remainder of your balance is due by June 11.
What if I want to go but can’t afford the cost of this trip?: Full and partial scholarships are available. Talk to Monty or Heather if you have any questions about this. Please oh please do not miss this trip for financial reasons.
Is this the same place as the first AFC trip?: Yes, yes it is. You know the story...Bob D, a broken bus, a handful of A&M guys from our church. It's pretty legendary. We are excited to be able to serve at a place which has been used by God for so many years to care for children and also a place where many from our church have served before.
Can we put duct tape on all of our mouths and not talk for the whole week?: No. Two reasons: 1) you need to brush your teeth. 2) you can’t share awesome stuff about the Lord if you don’t talk. If you need more reasons to not duct tape your mouth, we can provide them.
Are there any requirements for this trip?: Yes. Because this is a service trip where we will be serving others for an entire week, there are some things we require of each student who will be going on this mission trip:
Pray before you sign-up: Before you decide to sign-up, we ask each student to pray about this trip and pray about your involvement with it.
Mission Trip Preparation Meetings: We plan to have 3-4 preparation meetings which all participants will be required to attend. These meetings will start sometime in May or around the beginning of summer and happen until we leave. We will work with everyone to try to find the best time for these meetings.
How do I sign-up?: The sign-up form for the HS Mission Trip is an online form. Please make sure to type instead of trying to write on your computer screen with a pen or marker. That would really mess up your screen. And then people would laugh at you. And you really would have no good excuse for doing something so silly. So put the markers away, and click the link below.
All of the pictures above and in the next section below are from last year's mission trip to SCCH.
The pics are only of our group - none of the SCCH children are in these pics.
Pictures below are from the summer of 2022.