A&M Youth
High School Mission Trip
Hey Everyone - We are so excited about going to Southern Christian Children's Home in Morrilton, Arkansas. Here are the details you have been looking for. After you read all of this, let us know if you have any questions. Get ready for a great week!

Departure Info:
We will meet at 8:00am on Tuesday, June 11. When you arrive, you can put your luggage in the trailer...then help us get all of the supplies loaded...and then we'll head out. If you want a backpack or pillow in the bus with you, make sure you keep it in a place where you can get to it.
Things to know about Southern Christian Home:
Work Clothes Needed:
We will be doing some work projects and also spending time with their residents. For our work, you will need some clothes which can get dirty and at least one set of clothes (and shoes) which you can paint in. We have some deck staining we will be doing. They usually have some painting for us to do as well. If you have a pair of work gloves, you might want to bring those too. Our two work days are Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday at the children's home campus in town and Thursday at the farm.
Dress Code:
Because the children's home deals with children from a wide variety of backgrounds, they have a dress code which they ask all people on their campus (including visiting groups like ours) to abide by. These guidelines are directly from them and need to be followed Tuesday night through Friday. Sorry if you don't like it...you're probably used to not having rules about this, but we're stepping into their world for a few days, so please be respectful of their request.
Shorts should cover more skin on the thighs than skin showing. So, at least mid-thigh in length. They specifically asked for no Nike cheer type shorts or short shorts for girls. They ask that if anyone has leggings or yoga type pants, they should be worn with longer shirts.
Shirts should provide adequate coverage at the neckline and through the armholes. This includes shirts that expose the chest when bending, reaching, or leaning. They ask that tank tops not be worn.
Undergarments should not be visible at any time.
No alcoholic messaging, profanity, or any kind of LGBTQ Pride anything should be on
any clothes, shoes, backpacks, etc..
Packing List:
Clothes for each day
Keep in mind:
clothes for traveling on Tuesday and Saturday;
clothes when spending time with students Wednesday - Friday;
clothes for work projects Wednesday and Thursday;
one set of clothes that can get wet during water games
Please do not wear any expensive name brand clothing when we are with their students. This is not a super strict rule, we just don't want to come in as a bunch of people who have fancy-type clothes when many of the students we will work with don't have much of anything to their name except what the children's home has given them. So, just use good judgment. It's impossible to avoid all name brands - we recognize that - and small nike or adidas or other name brands are fine...again - not a super strict rule. Youth group shirts and school shirts and other clothing w/o expensive name brands are great. The new summer t-shirt (The Time Is Now) is a good one to bring. You can get one on Tuesday morning before we leave if you were not at Summer Kickoff on Sunday night. If you want to wear expensive name brand clothes, you can wear those during work projects without any problems.)
Enough socks and underwears to make it through the week
Important: Dark tshirt and shorts for swimming on Friday. They are pretty strict on swimming - not
so strict that boys and girls can't swim together - but instead, strict about what is worn. For guys: dark
shirt and shorts or swim suit. For girls: dark shirt and shorts. You can wear a swim suit underneath if
you want. (Dark just simply means can't be seen through like a white shirt can...so red or blue or green or
whatever is fine, just not white and not see-through-able.) -
Shoes to work in and shoes to wear when spending time with their students
Clothes/pajamas to sleep in
Towel (at least 1...but probably 2)
Sleeping bag and pillow
If you have any prescription medication which needs to be taken while on this trip, please have it in a ziplock bag with instructions and turn it in on Tuesday morning. Over the counter medication is okay to have in your own bag.
Plastic washable cup to use at meals - nothing fancy...one you would get at a sporting event concession stand or anything similar is fine.
Optional things:
Money for snacks/drinks on the way to/from Arkansas
Games for the bus ride (and to play with some of their students)
Bug spray
Sunscreen (we'll have some if you do not have any)
Camera (other than on your phone)
backpack or fanny-pack we can take on a hike
work gloves
Clean movies for the bus ride to/from Morrilton
Cell Phones:
If you would like to bring your cell phone to Arkansas, we will provide an envelope for you on Tuesday when we check in, and your phone will be placed in our phone box. We do not plan to pass out cell phones during this trip. You are welcome to use Monty's phone at any time during the trip to call your parents if you need to. We're not trying to keep you from your parents...just trying to help us all be engaged in the trip and not on our phones all the time. We're also working with students who - unless there is a special circumstance - do not have a phone of their own and probably never have had one.
Other Electronic Devices:
The following things are not allowed on this trip: earbuds, iPads/tablets, video gaming devices, televisions, blenders, refrigerators, hot water heaters, drones, droids, electric lawnmowers, Teslas, portable Teslas, battery operated Teslas, vacuum cleaners, computers.
Other things not to bring:
weapons/knives of any kind; anything illegal; any kind of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, or e-cigarettes; anything intended to play a joke on anyone
Money for Meals:
You will not need any money for meals on this trip. Everything is covered with your registration
Our Return:
We plan to arrive back in College Station sometime on Saturday afternoon, June 15. Our goal is
around 3:00pm. We will keep parents informed via email and we will try to provide a link to see
our real-time location.
Financial Stuff:
The cost for this trip is $125. Not sure we will get a chance to let you know how much you have
paid or how much you owe before we leave, but we will get that info to you at some point. We
may have to get financial stuff finished up after this trip is over because of the Paint-o-Rama, Mega Days, and HS Mission Trip being back to back to back, along with a lot of other stuff going on.
Financial assistance stuff, if you're interested:
Having said that, if you would like to take advantage of an offer from our Mission Action Group, you can earn some money for this trip just by serving. For those who volunteered at Paint-O-Rama or Mega Days, here is a link to the a form you can fill out: https://amchurch.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/35/responses/new
It's a fairly long form. Just fill it out as best as you can. You don't have to get every answer correct. The Mission Action Group has said they will pay $65 toward this trip for two times volunteering. So, if you'll contribute $70, they will fund the rest. (And if you need more help than that, let Monty know. Glad to help!) AND...if you are doing another summer mission thing which the MAG is helping with (like Cozumel) they ask you to get separate volunteer hours for each trip.
Here are some additional things to know:
Girls will be staying in one house on the children's home property. Guys will be in a different house on the property.
We will be cooking most all of our meals. Some of the meals we cook will be meals we eat with the residents and staff at SCCH. We will need everyone's help when it comes to cooking and cleaning up.
Some of our work projects include: cleaning/organizing in some of their buildings; doing some work at their farm; staining a deck attached to one of their buildings.
We will work on Wednesday and Thursday during the day, and spend time with the students on campus during the evening. On Friday we are spending most all of the day with their students. We're going to Petit Jean State Park to swim and eat supper. The plan and schedule is flexible and may change at any time, but this is our current plan.
Remember that this is a service trip. It's not about you. We want you to be ready to work, ready to serve, and ready to sacrifice. It's going to be a great trip and a lot of fun, but if you're thinking it will be an, "I'll sit back and let everyone else do the work so that I don't have to" kind of trip...well, it's not that kind of trip. Come with a servant's heart!
This is not a trip to help you find a boyfriend or girlfriend. So, be friends with everyone. Don't be looking for love. Enjoy the time we get to serve others, build friendships, and share God's love with others.
Be flexible. Be tough. Be optimistic. This trip has a lot of things which may change or which we will have to figure out as we go...so be ready for unexpected things which may come up during the trip.
We'd like to ask you to be praying about this trip. If you have not already been doing so, pray about the work we'll do, your involvement with this trip, what God wants to teach you on this trip, how you can serve others in big ways, and for everything we do to be a part of God's will.
Super hot weather and bus trips...
Buses are not like cars, and the a/c systems are different. There is more space to cool and sometimes the bus a/c units have a hard time keeping up. Even though our bus holds its own when it is working properly, it doesn't always work properly. So...these are some things you might want to keep in mind...
1) If you have a hand-held fan, you might want to bring it.
2) If you have one of those hand-held fans with a water sprayer on it, or if you have a separate water sprayer, you might want it.
3) If you have a good water bottle in which you can put ice-water, you might want to bring it.
4) If you want to bring a beach towel or blanket or something to keep between you and the leather seats, you might like it.
5) Anything else you can think of to help keep you cool if it's warm inside the bus is great.
If you have any other questions, please let us know. Again, so glad you're able to go with us to Morrillton!
