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We have a lot of students who have signed-up for Camp Cornerstone, and we are now signing students up on a waiting list.  Our limit on numbers is related to transportation, and is not related to there being enough space for students at camp.  (Our bus holds 41, and with our students and counselors, we have filled every seat.)  We will do our best to take everyone who wants to go, but it would help us to know who else wants to go...and therefore...we have created a waiting list.  If you sign-up on this list, we'll get back to you within a few days and let you know where our transportation stuff stands.   Or feel free to talk to us anytime.


Camp Cornerstone is our summer camp just for middle school students. We are oh so excited about being able to go to Cornerstone this summer.  It will be a great week of growing closer to God, growing in God's Word, praise, friends and fun. We hope you'll join us for camp this year!

Here are some of the details about Camp Cornerstone:


When: June 25-29, 2023

Who: Current 6th-8th graders

Where: Oklahoma Christian University in Edmond, OK

Cost: $270 (if you pay in full by May 14, $295 otherwise)

Sign-up Deadline: May 14

Wait List: Click here if you would like to be added to the waiting list.  We'll do our best to get everyone to camp who wants to go.


Signing Up for Camp Cornerstone:  Because we team up with other churches for Camp Cornerstone, the registration form is hosted on a camp registration site.  You will sign-up on our site first, then you'll get a link to the official CampOC sign-up form.  If you want more details about that, here they are: 

     1) Click on the link below.

     2) Fill out a short sign-up form on our CCB site, and then you'll receive a link to the CampOC registration form.

     3) Fill out the CampOC registration form. 

(If you start filling out the official CampOC registration form and do not have time to finish it, you can use the same link to go back to it later, or you can access it again by following the link below and filling out the sign-up form on our CCB page again.)


Questions you might ask about Camp Cornerstone:

What is included in the registration cost? Just about everything.  Camp, travel, food while traveling.  You will need $20 for a key deposit, but you'll get that back, assuming you keep up with your room key. :)  The only other things you might want to have money for is snacks or pizza at camp.  When camp gets closer we will find out the prices for these things and let you know. 

Do I have to pay the full registration cost when my student signs up?  No.  But when you go to the CampOC registration page, you'll need to know about the following options.  You can either:

     1) Pay a deposit of $150 on the CampOC site when you sign-up (but you will not be able to get the early-bird price if you do this)

     2) Pay the entire $270 on the CampOC when you sign-up.  (paying the full amount will allow you to get the early-bird price)


     3) Use the coupon code: (GOCAMP23AMT) and then just pay our church (via cash or check) for the deposit and final balance. 
         Final balance due no later than June 25 when we go to camp. 

         The code basically allows you to pay our church instead of camp...and is a great option if you need flexibility in paying or do not want to
         pay with a credit or debit card.

Can you tell me more details about that #3 option above?  Yes.  We know that coming up with the full amount or $270 can be difficult.  We want to help.  Here are some options:

1) Use the coupon code (GOCAMP23AMT) mentioned in option #3 above. This will allow you to sign-up without any cost on the CampOC website.  Then, just pay a deposit of $100, $150  (or another amount) directly to our church.  (Cash or checks (made payable to A&M Church of Christ) can be put it in the Youth Box anytime.)   Unless you make other arrangements with us, the final balance needs to be paid no later than June 25. 

2) Use the coupon code in option (GOCAMP23AMT) mentioned in #3 above, and then talk to Monty or Heather about what works best for your family regarding the registration fee.  If you need extra time, a different amount, etc., let us know.  We can be flexible on the timing and amount of the deposit.

If you have any other questions about the deposit or if you have trouble signing up, let Monty or Heather know.  (If you need scholarship help, talk to Monty or Heather anytime.)

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Where will I sleep at night?: Students will stay in Oklahoma Christian dorm rooms. Our youth group students will be staying in rooms together.  Students will need sheets for a twin-bed or a sleeping bag. You may or may not be in the same room as your closest friends (but no worries, you'll see your friends all the time...and you might even make some new friends.)

How will we get to camp?: On the church bus. We'll leave on Sunday, June 26 at

around 7:30am. We will return on Thursday, June 30, probably between 7:00 and


What if I don't want to wear my seatbelt on the bus?: You will need to get your

mom or dad to take you to camp. : )


A Middle School only camp? Really?: Yep, that's right. This camp is just for middle

schoolers. All worship times, teaching times, group times and everything related to

camp is designed to help middle schoolers grow closer to God and know more

about Him.


Are there counselors?: Yes, you will have a college-age counselor from our church

or from another church.


Are there alligators?: No. To go to a camp with alligators, please find a church that

goes to Louisiana or Florida for summer camp.


What should I bring?: Bible, towel, personal items, clothing, sheets or a sleeping bag, pillow, pen, notebook, tennis shoes. A more detailed list will be sent out a few weeks before camp.


Are cell phones allowed at camp?: No, phones are not to be brought to camp. This is a camp-wide rule.  You can reach your parents through Monty or Heather's phone if you need to talk to them. They can also talk to you in this way. We're not trying to keep students from talking to their parents, or vice-versa.  We are trying to eliminate problems with 250 middle school campers who all have their phones. :)

Camp Cornerstone 2021


What if I plan on playing pranks on other students at camp?: Pranks, jokes, or anything else that would hurt someone's feelings or damage property are not allowed at camp. We expect students to respect all people and the facilities at OC. If this is going to be a problem, you may need to wait until another year to go to camp...or go to that camp in Louisiana that was mentioned above.


What if I've never been to Camp Cornerstone before?: Well, you're in for an awesome week. The only thing you won't like about Camp Cornerstone is that you only get to go twice before you are out of middle school. 


Have you ever been to summer camp?: Wait, is this a question for me, or are you asking a person? I am a webpage. I have never been to summer camp. I have never even been to Walmart. I would like to go camp, but no one will take me.


Can I see a video from camp so I can know what it is like?: Yes, we have some great daily videos from last year's Camp Cornerstone which were made by Ashlyn.  You can see them at the bottom of this webpage.

And here is some extra information to know about camp:

  • Oklahoma Christian University is in Edmond, Oklahoma (just north of Oklahoma City.)

  • Cornerstone has around 250 students each summer. Most students are from Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. A team of great youth ministers  
        from these states plan Cornerstone each year.

  • There is a webpage which has general info about Cornerstone if you would
         like to see it.  Here is a link:

  • We'll travel to/from camp in the bus. We will need some parents to go as
        "one-day chaperones" for the trip to camp. (They'll be able to return to
        College Station that same day. Our counselors have to go to camp a day
        early for counselor training meetings. The counselors will take a suburban
        up early; our parents who help us get to camp will bring that suburban back
        to CS and arrive back to town late Sunday night.)

  • We can always use moms or dads who can stay the week of camp and
       help out. Your role will be that of a dorm parent or support staff.  (Or if
       you have medical training, you can be a part of our medical team.) 
       Understand that you'll be going to work and help make camp a better
       place. You will get to see your child some each day, but you will probably
       not be in the same dorm as your child, and you won't get to see them
       all day-every day. This isn't a good role for "helicopter parents"
       (because you would be going to help make camp better for all
       students...not just to help make sure your son/daughter eats all their veggies) but it is a good chance to go to camp with our group. And we
       can't have camp without some extra help from other adults.  Talk to Monty/Heather if you might be able to join us and we'll tell you more.

  • We don't want students to miss camp because of financial reasons. We have a limited number of full and partial scholarships for any

students who would not otherwise be able to go. Let Monty know if you need one of these scholarships.

  • Camp is a great way to grow closer to God and grow closer to other students in our church family.  Connections are made with other students
      through shared experiences and a consistent message of faith in God.  We've been taking students to summer camp for many years, and we
      believe it can make
    a huge impact in their lives. We hope your son/daughter will be able to be a part of Camp Cornerstone.

If you have more questions, just ask. We hope your son/daughter can join us for camp!

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The videos below are from Camp Cornerstone 2022.  They should play when you click on them. 

If they do not, let us know and we can send you a direct link.

© 2025 by AM.YOUTH

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