A&M Youth
The sign-up deadline has passed, but we still have some seats in the buses, so we can still add students. If you would like to go, scroll down and go to the sign-up page.
If you are signed up, see info in blue below.
Get ready, the One-Day Retreat is going to be great.
If you want to change before lunch, you can. You can also change after lunch.
Wear comfortable clothes and some kind of tennis shoes or other shoes you can move around in. We'll be inside some and outside some throughout the day. And the weather will be fairly warm, so be prepared.
Here is the schedule:
- 20-ish minutes after 2nd service ends: Lunch (in the youth cafe)
- After lunch: go to Messiah's Ranch
- The afternoon will be spent in total silence and you will not be
allowed to talk to anyone. Ha. Totally joking. The afternoon is
going to be awesome. Lots of great activities planned.
- We'll have supper around 5:45 or so.
- We'll be back to our church building around 7:00pm
Things you'll need:
Comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes (we already said this, so it's kind of a repeat here, but we're repeating it just to make sure you know. because if you show up in your church clothes - which of course are great for church - you might just be uncomfortable all afternoon. and we don't want that for you.)
That's about it.
You're welcome to bring a water bottle or pen or phone or any kind of football or basketball or anything else you would like to bring.
It's back! Last year's One-Day Retreat was so good we're bringing it back for another go.
This year's One-Day, all-youth, all-awesome retreat will be April 24.
All 7th-12th graders. All the great things about a normal retreat packed into one day.
It's going to be great.
Here are the details:
When: Sunday, April 24, end of 2nd service until 7:00pm
Who: All 7th-12th grade students
Where: Messiah's Ranch, just north of Bryan
Cost: $10
Sign-Up Deadline: Wednesday, April 20
How to Sign-Up: Click here
Here are a few more details:
Meals: We will provide lunch at the church building before we leave. We will have supper at camp before we come home.
What will we be doing?: The camp has a lot of activities, and we'll have some games and things of our own. It will be kind of like a normal retreat, but all of the amazingness will be packed into one afternoon. "Is that even possible?" you ask. Well, yes. Yes it is. There will be games, fun, time to grow on your own, Bible study, activities, food, and worship.
Why are we doing this?: Well, number one, because it will be a great chance to spend
time together and grow in faith. Number two, we like doing fun things. Number three,
a one-day retreat will hopefully allow a lot of students to be able to participate since
Sundays are days when most people do not have any school or extra-curricular
activities. And number four, you should come. Okay, number four really isn't a reason
why you're doing this, but you get the point.
Transportation: Our youth buses. Students are asked to not drive their vehicle, ride
a bicycle, skateboard, or snow-skis to the retreat. We realize snow is pretty common
in these parts (if you could the fact it has snowed twice in the last two years) but that
is not a reason to try to ski to camp.
What if it rains? Then there will be more flowers in May (at least that's how the rhyme goes) but the retreat will still happen.
What if it snows? We'll throw snowballs at each other. And really, why does the topic of snow keep coming up?
Can friends come? Absolutely
Should I be nice to other people? Yes
Isn't this the same weekend as the AFC 50th Reunion? Yes. Yes it is. All of the 50th reunion activities will take place on Friday and Saturday...and Sunday morning's worship will be a great time of celebration and worship as we are joined with many former AFCers. Having said that, there should not be any activities which conflict with the one-day retreat.
Questions: Talk to us anytime. In person, phone, text, or email are all great. Call the church office if you do not have contact info for Monty or Heather
Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm
Sunday Nights at 7:00pm